Friday 30 July 2010

Found on the website which
showcases social campaigns for non-profit organisations from around
the world, this particular website is for the French organisation Sidaction
which shows you exactly where your donation is going. And in todays
society it is nice to see an organisation taking the initiative in this sense
and I believe that this should be compulsory with any such organisation,
then maybe we wouldn't be so skeptical. I guess the idea here is
accountability, something I'm always harping on about!

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Floria Sigismondi's beautiful use of light I hope to somewhat emulate or at least attempt to when documenting homeless people and their environment. These are just a sample, interested then check out her site

While researching different photographic styles today, Floria Sigismondi's book Immune caught my eye. While searching the net I stumbled across this video of hers, great concept and brilliantly executed!

Monday 26 July 2010

is a web browser that constructs typographic sculptures from the text content of web pages. the first page of a site is rendered as a column of text. links in the text are colored, and when clicked, the text for the linked page grows from the location of the link. This was designed by Ben Fry of Visualising data and Fathom "
Information Design helps clients understand complex data through information graphics, interactive tools, and software for installations, the web, and mobile devices.

Grundy & Northedge are a company devoted to creating work that is content rich but at the same time being executed in a designer-ly manner. In doing so, their work reaches a mass audience and has a greater response rate. Worth considering for my major project!

Saturday 17 July 2010

This was designed by Foreign Policy Design Group from Singapore, it is nicely designed and would be interesting if it was used to present quiet corporate work even foreign policy! Ultimately for my major project I hope to present quiet detailed and informative opinions and facts by using design as a platform.

MP related, well maybe not but is inspiring at the least not just for the design factor but there is a hint of admiration for Dan Whitford in that not only is he the lead singer of Cut Copy but also producing pieces like these.... That and the fact that my friend Mandy had a dance off with him and won! Well you cant be good at everything eh! (

While reading Kenya Hara's Redsigning Design, I came across an image in keeping with my Major Project, a garment that has zippers all round each opening to a pocket. These openings can be stuffed with newspapers which retains the heat therefore allowing you to sleep outdoors wearing this item of clothing alone! This lead to investigate further the idea of sustainable living whereupon I happened upon this image.

This reminded me of a conversation I had with a homeless guy I know, we were talking about the whole issue of begging as he was saying how much he dislikes having to do it, but at times he has no other choice. This is a funny take on the idea of begging and more likely to get a response...

Initial experiments for my Major Project investigating ideas of brand, colour and print. My Major project began looking at campaign work for non-profit organisations, this is a campaign led by Greenpeace against Nestles use of palm oil which is having detrimental effects on the environment.